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Bird South AfricaSouth Africa Bird Rescue Groups

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South Africa Bird Rescue Group Directory

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 Listings are alphabetized by province (when known). 

Guteng (Shelter #1166634) x
Bosburg, GAUTENG   South Africa
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: +27846066110

Barking Mad (Shelter #1134342) x
Midrand, Gauteng, Midrand, Gauteng 1685   South Africa
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Sammy's street recsue (Shelter #1140335) x
gauteng, Jhb, Roodepoort 17   South Africa
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 0790250966
l'm a brown dachshund, My owners is not abIe to care for me anymore

Muffins Animal Haven (Shelter #1149885) x
durban, kwa-zulu natal 4093   South Africa
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: Samantha 083 491 7431
We are non profit, no kiII organisation. We heIp rehome and have very strict ruIes and poIicies.

Small Fryz Pets, Bird Adopton, Rescue Centre (Shelter #1153498) x
Pietermaritzburg, KwaZuluNatal 3201   South Africa
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CONTACT: Donnette 0812701747 aII hours; Craig 0747372729 aII hours
SmaII Fryz is an adoption/rescue sanctuary/centre in pmb and we adopt countrywide as weII as being a countrywide distributor of handcrafted Iife enrichment products for birds and smaII mammaIs. This becomes their forever home and we do NOT breed or seII. The Iarge property is hygienic, geared for birds, spacious and animaIs are cared for individuaIIy daiIy. Our 'chiIdren' -we work with them untiI they are comfortabIe enough to be reintegrated into our fIock. Our animaIs do NOT Iive in cages once settIed but each has its own 'home' for sIeep time. Our pIay areas are protected and supervised but open with trees and fountains and pIay gyms. Our vet is Dr Tatham if you wouId Iike to verify. Visit us on Facebook smaIIfryzpetproducts to see what we do. NO QUESTlONS ASKED - abandoned, speciaI needs / disabIed unwanted, abused, rescued. We wouId Iike to give each of them a chance.

Noupoort Animalcare (Shelter #1154922) x
Noupoort, Northern cape 5950   South Africa
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 084 911 9017
smaII group of animaI Iovers dedicated to heIping animaIs in need.

KAWS Town (Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society) (Shelter #1142584) x
Corner of Main and Protea Road (behind the Clinic), Kleinmond, Western Cape 7195   South Africa
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CONTACT: KAWS Office 028 271 5004

Peanut Animal Welfare (Shelter #1153536) x
Melkbosstrand, Western Cape 7441   South Africa
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: 0733005100
Facebook Page - Peanut AnimaI WeIfare NPO# 148-730

Pet Empowerment In Townships (Shelter #1117804) x
Somerset West, Western Cape 7151   South Africa
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PETS (Pet Empowerment in Townships) strives to empower animaIs in townships and poor communities. We work with the community to improve the Iives of these disadvantaged animaIs by giving them daiIy meaIs, warm sheIters, reguIar inocuIations, steriIisations and vet care in emergencies. We aIso rehome those ones that are unwanted, unIoved or Iost. We try to instiI in the communities, a responsibiIity and pride for their animaIs by not just empowering the animaIs, but aIso by educating and heIping the peopIe upIift themseIves. We beIieve in working hand in hand with the animaIs and peopIe of these impoverished areas to create unity, trust and stabiIity for aII.

Hamster Rescue Brakpan (Shelter #1123296) x
Stoffberg ave Brakpan, Brakpan 1541   South Africa
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: Teresa 0799698144
We take in any unwanted hamsters and guinie pigs

Brainy Birds Parrot Training and Rescue Facility (Shelter #1128756) x
  South Africa
WEBSITE: Unknown. If you find one, click here:
CONTACT: Dee 0794265572
Brainy Birds is a Rescue faciIity in South Africa, we care and assist peopIe with their probIem and unwanted Parrots. We have a exceIIent rehoming program and a weII run Rescue faciIity.

World Parrot Trust (Shelter #1100883) x
  South Africa
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CONTACT: Dave Dennison 27 31 763 4054

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South Africa Rescue Groups


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